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Your patients suffer from sleep apnea, and their diagnosis lies in your hands

Meet the Biologix Sleep Test®

The Biologix Sleep Test® is a type IV at-home polysomnography used to diagnose and treat snoring and sleep apnea. It is a simplified solution that uses only a smartphone and a compact, wireless sensor.

Despite its simplicity, this test has demonstrated around 90% sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy compared to other types of polysomnography, according to three scientific validations..

Does Your Patient Snore?

The Biologix Snoring Test® allows you to evaluate your patient's snoring without the need for an Oxistar® sensor.

Our sensor, integrated with the Biologix app, records and classifies patients' snoring. This allows physicians to track snoring intensity levels and the percentage of snoring time throughout the entire sleep period. The patient only needs to use their own cell phone, obtain a test authorization from an accredited center, and download the app.

Become a Biologix accredited center

With Biologix high technology, you can offer a precise and innovative diagnosis of sleep apnea in your practice. To acquire the Biologix solution, simply complete the application form below. One of our advisors will contact you shortly to address any questions you may have.


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