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Comprometimento da memória: um problema a ser combatido
Memory lapses require investigation

Have you ever said “Wow, I’ve drawn a blank!? You have certainly heard that “Age is to blame here.” After a certain age, ageing is usually blamed for memory lapses. Memory loss can be a symptom of a severe disease; what other symptoms can also be present in this case?

Stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, and vitamin deficiency are some of the most common additional symptoms and can be fought with medical help.

We are aware of how important a restorative night’s sleep is, and how much a change in sleep cycle can affect your memory. Too little daily rest makes it harder to maintain attention and focus and leads to impaired reasoning. Maintaining mental health is important for well-being. 

Mental health goes far beyond a mere diagnosis. Heeding a few tips aimed at improving your mental health can bring about change in a number of aspects of your life. However, it is mandatory to see a sleep physician for appropriate diagnosis and treatment. These tips can help you improve your mood, deal with positive and negative emotions, and achieve full physical, mental, and social well-being.

SAOS: distúrbio do sono que causa o comprometimento da memória

A Síndrome da Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAOS), é um tipo comum e crônico de distúrbio do sono. Ela é caracterizada pela obstrução das vias aéreas superiores durante o sono, normalmente acompanhada da redução da saturação de oxigênio no sangue, seguida de um breve despertar para respirar.

One of the Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) symptoms is memory impairment. Beside information from those who live with OSA patients and medical evaluation, additional tests mapping patient’s respiratory behavior during sleep are required to diagnose this disease. 

Uma opção para essa análise durante o sono, é o Monitoramento Digital da Apneia do Sono, o Biologix. É um exame para se fazer em casa, simples, prático e eficaz, sem a necessidade de dormir em um laboratório do sono. Na hora de dormir, basta colocar o sensor Oxistar, um oxímetro de alta performance, no dedo e iniciar o exame no App Biologix. No dia seguinte, ao concluir o exame, o resultado fica pronto em segundos. Ou ainda, um exame chamado Polissonografia, que é um exame realizado dormindo uma noite num laboratório do sono. Onde o paciente é monitorado por sensores que registram a passagem do ar pelo nariz e boca, a oxigenação sanguínea, frequência cardíaca, atividade cerebral e movimentos do tórax e de membros.

To treat mild and moderate apnea, dentists resort to intraoral devices that achieve advancement of jaw, base of the tongue and pharyngeal tissues, thus enlarging the upper airways to improve air passage. In more severe cases, treatment requires a facemask connected to a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine, which keeps your airways open while you sleep, as well as a change in lifestyle habits, weight loss, and smoking cessation. In certain cases, surgery might be indicated to correct airway narrowing or obstruction caused by deformities, or to place an implant. 

Já sabemos que a alteração do ciclo do sono pode prejudicar a memória, pois a falta de um descanso diário reparador dificulta a manutenção da atenção e do foco, além de prejudicar o raciocínio.

Here you have a few tips for improving your memory naturally: eating omega-3 rich food such as salmon, saltwater fish, seeds and avocado, for example, helps boosting memory and concentration. Therefore, you want to eat healthy, balanced food that is good for you. Moreover, never forget your sleep hygiene together with the treatment for the sleep disorder your physician diagnosed.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this blog aims at assisting you in your education and is not intended to be construed in any manner as medical advice. Only physicians and dentists can diagnose diseases and prescribe treatments and medication. Thank you for visiting our website.

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