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Decreased libido and sexual impotence
Do you know that sleep deprivation can affect sex?

Você se sente cansado demais para fazer sexo? Saiba que você não é o único! Sim, a vida sexual é intimamente ligada ao sono e você pode ter algum distúrbio do sono não diagnosticado.

Dormir pouco ou mal prejudica a vida sexual tanto de homens quanto de mulheres. É cíclico, uma noite mal dormida gera preguiça, desânimo e culmina com a falta de interesse em sexo. Mudar os hábitos de vida pode corrigir este problema. Dormir bem e acordar descansado, dá outro gás ao corpo e faz com que as atividades do dia a dia sejam mais prazerosas.

Those who suffer from sleep disorders have decreased libido and bad-quality sexual relations because they experience a change for the worse in the release of sex drive hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. This affects both men and women.

The sex drive of men with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome is weaker and scarcer relative to those with no such problem. There is a decrease in testosterone levels and an increase in the risk for cardiovascular problems that can be associated with erectile dysfunction and other sexual troubles. In Women, it is believed that insomnia and other sleep disturbances caused by menopause are to blame for poor-sleep nights and, thus, for their lack of energy for sex.

While other factors, such as food habits and physical activity, should also be taken into account, lack of sleep and fatigue are the number one factor of decreased libido.

Therefore, it is important that you seek a sleep specialist physician who will diagnose your disorder and design a treatment plan for you.

AOS: distúrbio do sono que pode afetar a libido e causar impotência sexual

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is detrimental for both patients’ and their partners’ sex drive. Apnea patients snore a lot and wake up many times during the night feeling they are choking. This is a very unpleasant sensation that prevents the body from getting the rest it needs. On the other hand, the patient’s bed partner just cannot rest and suffer a negative impact due to the loud snoring.

In order to diagnose this disorder, healthcare professionals might request sleep-monitoring tests. To this end, one option is Sleep Apnea Digital Monitoring (SADM), the Biologix Sleep Test. It is a test you can conduct at home -simple, convenient, and effective, with no need to sleep in a sleep lab. Before going to sleep for the night, just place the Oxistar sensor, which is a high performance oximeter, on your finger and start the test using the Biologix App. Upon waking up, click on “end test” to get the result in a few seconds by e-mail.

The diagnosis can also be established by means of a test called Polysomnography, which is conduct at a sleep lab where patients are required to sleep for one night. There, patients are monitored using sensors that record the passage of air through nose and mouth, blood oxygenation, heart rate, brain activity, as well as chest and limb movements.

Treatment typically includes changes in lifestyle, such as losing weight, and the use of a breathing assistance device during the night. Examples of these devices are a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine (CPAP) or, in milder cases, an intraoral device (IOD).

Now that you know that sleep deprivation affects sex life, seek medical advice on ways to improve your quality of life.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this blog aims at assisting you in your education and is not intended to be construed in any manner as medical advice. Only physicians and dentists can diagnose diseases and prescribe treatments and medication. Thank you for visiting our website.

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