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Daytime sleepiness and fatigue
A few diseases that cause excessive tiredness


Have you ever felt extremely unwell, tired, and lacking stamina even after a good night’s sleep? It is important to seek medical assistance to look into it since you might have an underlying disease.

O cansaço é bastante comum no dia a dia, com a rotina corrida da sociedade que não pára nunca, equilibrando responsabilidades e tentando cumprir todos os prazos e horários. No entanto, quando essa sensação é frequente e demasiada, pode ser um sintoma de que há algo de errado no seu corpo. A sonolência excessiva e o cansaço extremo podem ser sintomas de doenças sérias que podem afetar a sua qualidade de vida. Pode estar relacionado com doenças neurológicas (Alzheimer, Parkinson e Depression), psiquiátricas (esquizofrenia) e/ou aos distúrbios do sono.

These symptoms can lead to irritability, to learning difficulties, as well as to decreased motivation and performance at work. These people are also more likely to be involved in traffic and work-related accidents.

How do I know what is my degree of sleepiness? You can do a simple and quick test to assess your degree of sleepiness called Epworth Sleepiness Scale, available at the end of this text.

Let’s now discuss a few disorders that can cause excessive, frequent tiredness:

  • DepressionVery serious and common disorder that affects negatively the way you feel, think, and act. One of the typical symptoms of depression is daytime fatigue. While it affects your mind, this disorder also has an impact on your body. Medical assistance is crucial to prescribe the most adequate treatment, be it with antidepressants and/or based on psychotherapy.
  • Diabetesdisease caused by insufficient production or poor absorption of insulin, hormone that regulates blood glucose and makes sure there is energy available to your body. When blood glucose is not available to all cells, you experience a lack of energy. Diabetic patients urinate more often, lose weight easily, and their muscles weaken, which make them complain of physical tiredness.
  • Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (AOS): Doença caracterizada pela obstrução das vias aéreas superiores durante o sono, normalmente acompanhada da redução da saturação de oxigênio no sangue, seguida de um breve despertar para respirar. Isso acaba prejudicando o sono e o descanso da pessoa. Dessa forma é comum acordar muito cansado, ter cansaço muscular e sentir sonolência diurna.
  • Thyroid disturbances: Thyroid disturbances can cause a number of symptoms that, left untreated, can worsen. A disturbed thyroid function means it is either upregulated (hyperthyroidism, too much thyroid hormone in the body) or downregulated (hypothyroidism, underactive thyroid). While hyperthyroidism can cause symptoms such as restlessness, nervousness, difficulty concentrating, and weight loss, hypothyroidism cause symptoms such as tiredness, memory loss, easy weight gain, dry, cold skin, irregular menstrual cycle, and hair loss.
  • Heart diseases:Common cardiovascular conditions, such as arrhythmia, and diseases, such as artery clogging, can cause frequent tiredness and dizziness. Their heart is not strong enough to pump blood to the entire body, and this is why patients are continuously tired.

Escala de Sonolência de Epworth

O quanto é provável que você cochile ou adormeça em algumas situações, em vez de apenas se sentir cansado/a?
Isso se refere a seu modo de vida habitual nos últimos tempos. Mesmo se você não fez algumas destas coisas recentemente, tente pensar em como elas teriam afetado você.

A Escala de Sonolência de Epworth, desenvolvida pelo dr. Murray Johns, é uma ferramenta muito utilizada para aferir o grau de sonolência diurno. A soma vai de 0 a 24, sendo que pontuações acima de 10 determinam a presença de sonolência, e pontuações acima de 16 demonstram sonolência grave. Um resultado de até 9 pontos indica uma condição considerada normal. Acima dessa pontuação, é recomendado procurar um médico.

Responda o questionário abaixo e teste seu nível de sonolência:

Situation Would never doze Slight chance of dozing Moderate chance of dozing High chance of dozing
Sitting and reading 0 1 2 3
Watching T.V. 0 1 2 3
Siting, inactive, in a public place (theater, meeting, lecture) 0 1 2 3
As a passenger in a car for 1 hour without a break 0 1 2 3
Sitting quietly after lunch, but no alcohol 0 1 2 3
Lying down to rest in the afternoon whenever it is possible 0 1 2 3
Sitting and talking to someone 0 1 2 3
In a car, while stopped for traffic or a light for a few minutes 0 1 2 3

Add your score for each answer. Score 0-9 – normal daytime sleepiness.
Score 10-24 – above 10, your score indicates sleepiness; above 16, severe sleepiness.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this blog aims at assisting you in your education and is not intended to be construed in any manner as medical advice. Only physicians and dentists can diagnose diseases and prescribe treatments and medication. Thank you for visiting our website.

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