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Sleep in pregnancy
Learn how pregnancy can affect your sleep


You have certainly heard that “you’d better sleep now, because you won’t get much sleep when the baby comes!“ Take into account the good intention behind the advice. After all, sleeping well is crucial, since it strengthens the immune system, consolidates memory, and restores physical and mental well-being.

Os problemas com o sono durante a gestação são absolutamente normais. Ao longo dela, mas principalmente no primeiro trimestre, seu corpo está trabalhando duro. É nesta fase em que estão sendo formados importantes órgãos do bebê e em que começa a crescer a placenta, o sistema que sustentará o seu filho.

Grande parte das gestantes tem queixas sérias sobre o sono, especialmente no primeiro trimestre o problema é o sono excessivo que ataca durante o dia, fazendo com que a gestante tenha a sensação de fadiga e exaustão, dificultando a realização das tarefas diárias. As alterações normalmente estão ligadas a mudanças que acontecem no corpo, como aumento dos níveis de progesterona, a vontade de fazer xixi toda hora por conta da pressão na bexiga, incertezas sobre a maternidade e picos de ansiedade decorrentes da expectativa pelo parto. Porém, essa sonolência tende a desaparecer ao anoitecer, e o mesmo hormônio responsável por ela pode atrapalhar muito o sono noturno. A queda da pressão arterial que é fisiológica no início da gravidez, podem contribuir para esta sensação de fadiga e sonolência. O conselho dos médicos é tentar descansar o corpo sempre que possível, mesmo que o sono não apareça.

In the second trimester this discomfort weakens, the progesterone level keeps rising, but more slowly, and daytime tiredness decreases. It is a moment of balance. Your stamina is back and it is still quite easy to find and settle in a comfortable sleeping position. A bigger belly helps decrease pressure on your bladder, thus allowing less frequent urination. Tests and baby movements in the womb help pregnant women feel more confident.

Despite the tiredness that characterizes the third trimester, sleeping is not an easy feat now. Beside anxiety from impending childbirth, the new body shape and size are not helpful when it comes to relaxing in bed. Symptoms such as heartburn, restless legs syndrome, and frequent urination –again, because now the baby has grown and is once more putting pressure on your bladder- are also present. Finding a good sleeping position is challenging. Despite lower sleep quality, it is important that pregnant women get some rest whenever is possible, be it during nighttime or by taking daytime naps. One important tip for the third trimester of pregnancy is that you want to sleep on your left side to enhance blood flow to your baby and to your kidneys.

Now a few tips to achieve better sleep during pregnancy:

  • Check how comfortable your rooms is, make sure your bed and the temperature are optimum
  • Always sleep using three pillows, one for your head, one between your knees, one under your belly to “hold it” during sleep.
  • To avoid cramps, eat potassium- and calcium-rich food, such as milk and bananas.
  • Leg and foot massages with oil or moisturizing creams relax your body and favor a good night’s sleep.
  • Moderate exercise helps enhance your well-being.

Never forget that producing a baby is hard work! Therefore, if you feel you need to sleep, do whatever it takes to make time and close your eyes even if only for a few minutes. Follow our tips and have sweet dreams!

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this blog aims at assisting you in your education and is not intended to be construed in any manner as medical advice. Only physicians and dentists can diagnose diseases and prescribe treatments and medication. Thank you for visiting our website.

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