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The impact of sleep on your performance at work
Know the consequences of a bad night's sleep

It is hard to perform our tasks efficiently when we feel unproductive and tired. Who has never felt the effects of a bad night's sleep? Tiredness, slow thinking, lower productivity, and migraine can not only impair employee’s focus but also incapacitate them. Moreover, a lack of rest is also a door open for viruses and bacteria to seep into your body and lower your immunity. To size up the problem, we should consider that surveys conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) point out that 40% of the global population do not sleep as they would wish.

The ideal situation is to devote around 8 hours every 24 hours for the body to perform all the following functions: muscle rest, hormone release, memory consolidation, secretion, immune system boosting, as well as other crucial processes for a healthy body.

Sleep deprivation causes problems at work, such as:

  • Aumenta os afastamentos por atestados médicos: profissionais que tem distúrbios do sono ficam mais doentes do que os que não possuem;
  • Queda na produtividade causando prejuízo à empresa: profissionais que possuem distúrbios do sono não são tão produtivos quanto poderiam, isso causa um déficit na empresa;
  • Redução na capacidade mental: dificuldade na tomada de decisões, resolução de problemas e desafios.

If you are to have a good night’s sleep, consider these tips:

  • Sleep in a dark, quiet, comfortable, and cool room;
  • Establish a few bedtime habits, such as having a warm shower.
  • Be physically active.
  • Have light meals.

If you have symptoms such as excessive daytime sleepiness, morning headaches, difficulty falling asleep and maintaining sleep, difficulty concentrating, lower productivity, you might have a sleep disorder.

Procure um médico especialista do sono, pois ele poderá fazer o diagnóstico e indicar o melhor tratamento. O distúrbio do sono mais comum, é a sleep apnea,. Estudos mostram que cerca de 30% da população mundial possui apneia, mas a grande maioria não sabe.

O diagnóstico da apneia obstrutiva do sono é simples é necessário. O Biologix Sleep Test é uma polissonografia (tipo IV), que pode ser feito em casa, utilizando apenas um celular e um sensor compacto e sem fios. Dessa forma é realizado sem alterar a rotina de sono do paciente. Na hora de dormir, basta colocar o sensor no dedo e iniciar o exame no App Biologix. Ao acordar basta clicar em concluir exame para receber o resultado imediatamente.

After all, sleeping adequately is crucial to preserve quality of life, achieve the best professional results, and live longer. Maintaining health and taking preventive measures is the road that leads to a more productive and happy life at work.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this blog aims at assisting you in your education and is not intended to be construed in any manner as medical advice. Only physicians and dentists can diagnose diseases and prescribe treatments and medication. Thank you for visiting our website..

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