Que tal começar agora a cuidar da saúde do seu sono?
Encontre o local mais próximo para realizar o Exame do Sono Biologix®
Que bom que você está interessado(a) em cuidar do seu sono!
Busque um profissional de saúde filtrando uma categoria ou localização através do filtro abaixo:
Importante: os centros credenciados são parceiros independentes que realizam o Exame do Sono Biologix. Sendo assim, a Biologix não interfere sobre os serviços prestados por eles.
Snoring is the tip of the iceberg for a much bigger problem
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a chronic disease in which patients suffer from interruptions in breathing while they sleep. These interruptions are caused by a blockage of the air passage in the throat and are commonly accompanied by loud and frequent snoring, followed by choking. In severe cases, this event may occur hundreds of times per night. This condition is directly associated with many other diseases.
Click on the icons below to learn more about the symptoms and diseases associated with sleep apnea:
Se você tem algum desses problemas, peça o Exame do Sono Biologix para o seu médico.
It is an application that must be used together with the sensor to perform the Digital da Sleep Apnea Monitoring test.
Patients who are in the process of being diagnosed with Sleep Apnea, as well as patients being treated for apnea in order to monitor the evolution of the disease.
No, Biologix is a platform designed to monitor sleep apnea digitally. For treatment, contact a healthcare professional.
We diagnose sleep apnea based on oximetry. When patients pause breathing, which is the main characteristic of apnea events, their blood oxygen level drops. Our solution detects these drops, based on which it calculates ODI (oxygen desaturation index). Based on data from both our validation study for this solution and the sleep apnea literature, we established reference values to rate results as normal (no apnea), mild, moderate, or severe apnea.
Upon test completion, result are automatically available for the accredited center. Thus, as soon as they complete the test, patients should go to the accredited center to return the sensor and get their results.
The test result includes personal information, period during which the test was performed, conditions in the night of the test, questionnaire, and results for the Biologix test parameters (oximetry, heart rate, hand movements, and snoring).
Results are generated immediately after the completion of the test on the app.